Tuesday, May 13, 2008

OK, so now I have to decide how this blog is going to work. I guess I will put in a running tally of how much money I have left to spend, which will be $1200 for the year. Since I am starting in May I will adjust to $800 for the rest of the year, and since I just spent money on the Walgreen's deal I will have to subtract that from the $800, leaving me with $697.31.

I will upload all pics of items I get and also adjust money at the bottom of my posts. I don't know how I will factor in savings amount. I can either put in the amount saved from the bottom of the receipt, or look at cost per product, but that would be too complicated. I will stick to amount saved at the bottom of the receipt, and have to check on receipts of stores that won't do it for me, lol.

I also will keep a tally of rebates that I earn from different products as well, so tally up the WAGS GC, the CVS ECBs, etc. I currently have $60 in Prepaid VISA from Norton, so need to factor that in as well...

I think this is the format I will use:

Total left to spend: $757.31
Total Saved: $1137.43

Now, of course I don't really know what's been going on with the rest of the year since I've thrown receipts away, etc. So I will just act as if I didn't buy anything for that part of the year and not factor any of that in, but I can still show pics since I had wanted to start this blog WAY sooner than I have, but too many great deals kept flowing in!

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