Well, been a while since I posted photos, and also tallied my money spent and saved etc. So here goes:
MeijerPaid: 25.79, Saved: $40.44 (This was when the spaghetti was $1/2 and Mealbox coupons were $0.50 off one, so free spaghetti, obviously I got other stuff)
Kroger: The whole pledge/Dove ice cream/ Dasiy sour cream deal (still going on and I need to get more Hot dogs)
I had the Sarah Lee coupons, and since they didn't have buns they substituted regular bread, so got five loaves, which I definitely NEEDED!
Paid: $15.16 Saved: $67.88 (83%)
Kroger: Still this week deal
Paid: $28.45 Saved: $66.25 (69%)
Dollar Tree: Needed newspapers for coupons and got some cheese and hangers too: $8.24
Save a Lor (I WISH they took coupons there, erg...) $14.11
So, total paid: $91.75
Saved: $174.57
I saved about 66% last week!
Total Left to Spend: $2444.74 (I'm included previous amounts not included, like Palm Pilot stuff and Meijer purchase, a $15 check I got from Rite-Aid rebates and $2100 that I've made in garage sales so far- will have more this week)
Total Saved: $2259.92 (Adding in today's with previous Meijer savings)
And remember, I'm getting back at least $100 from Palm Pilot rebates, hopefully will come in soon!
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