Sunday, June 14, 2009

Get free stuff at Swagbucks!

I am a member at this site and it's actually pretty awesome. All you have to do is use it as your search engine at least once a day and you earn these things called swagbucks. You can then turn them in to get prizes such as gift cards for itunes, Target, or even bigger prizes.

I probably do one search a day or so on it and instantly get my swagbuck(s) for the day. THAT SIMPLE!!

You can sign up here:

Friday, June 12, 2009


OMG, thanks to I found out that I can get a coupon in the mail for some free chocolate.

Just click on the link:

there are 250 THOUSAND available!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My first Safeway experience!

I went to Safeway for the first time and signed up for the card and got it right away.
It's pretty cool here because they double coupons up to $0.99, which is AWeSOME! I didn't get any photos of the items we bought because it was mostly meat and needed to get in the freezer. Basically, the whole trip was to furnish the freezer since we just moved and needed meat :)

Here's the totals:
Total OOP: $160.08 (I nearly choked because I am SOO not used to spending that much on anything much less food).
Total Saved: $123.22 (receipt says that was 44%, not too shabby)

I also had a bunch of garage sales before we left for VA, here's the totals for that:
Saturday May 9 (plus random stuff during the week b/c moving): $296
Tuesday May 19: $103
Wednesday May 20: $159
Thursday May 21: $130
Friday May 22: $228
Bunny sold yesterday: $10
Total Sales: $926

NEW totals for everything :
Left to Spend: $832.83
Made: $926
Money Saved: $1087.73

New deals and trips!

I just moved to Alexandria, VA and haven't really gotten that much into the coupon scene yet. And I'm basically recovering from not really shopping at all since I was working on finals for law school (which I graduated on May 16!).

Basically, now I am working on getting ready for the VA bar exam, hopefully everything goes well and I pass! But, I will try to get deals up for things that I get because I need to familiarize myself with the area. Also, it's a nice get away from all that law stuff, hehe!

I won a Lemonade Stand Award!

I won a Lemonade Stand Award!

I don't know how to get the picture on my blog, but here's what it's about:)
Bargain Loving Mama gave me the award, thanks!
(that's her blog)

Here's how it works:
1) Put the Lemonade Award logo on your blog or post
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude
3) Link to your nominees within your post
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog

My ten blogs: (well, five because that's really all I follow regularly)

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